Vestiges of the Old World

Kali Yuga Exhibition ‘21
Kali Yuga is a Sanskrit term for the 4th cycle of human decline also known as the Iron Age. By definition it means strife, discord, quarrel and contention, which is quite fitting looking at our timeline of colonialism and the dark energy consuming our planet.
This work is mixed media based allowing experimentation with color rendering, figurative work and symbolism on primarily reclaimed doors. Occult symbolism, key figures in history, mythology and religious beliefs are interwoven with current events questioning why humankind has lost so much spiritual connectivity over time.
Mythology/ Ancient Cultures
This body of work is based in research of ancient cultures from all parts of the globe exploring their mythological belief systems and what remains behind in the form of relief carvings, codex's, sculptures and monuments, then combining their influence with a natural creative intuition. This luminous pigmented work involves a layering stipple process focusing on spot weight; color palette, image size, and varying ranges of solid space using the 18" x 24" archival contemporary surface Dura-Lar (Mylar x Acetate) gives a transparent viewing element.